Why it’s good to be the Dog

Chloe_85mmtestAccording to 365 Dogs Page-A-Day Calendar’s entry for today (October 29), there are 10 reasons why it’s good to be a dog – I particularly like #10

  1. No matter where it itches, no one is offended if you scratch.
  2. No one ever expects you to pay for lunch.
  3. No one expects you to take a bath every day.
  4. Others comb your hair and manicure your nails.
  5. No one thinks you’re crazy if you chase your tail.
  6. You never have to worry about table manners.
  7. It’s not improper to look at a friend’s behind.
  8. No one cares if you have hair growing in weird places.
  9. Your family is happy to see you when they have a bad day.
  10. If you gain weight, it’s someone else’s fault.



Can you think of additional reasons?  Let’s start our own list.  Click here and return to my Facebook page and indicate your own reason.  Let’s see how many we can gather.  Feel free to post your own photo!  Let’s have fun!

Please share!